The Marin Day Schools developmental curriculum is based on the Bright Horizons World At Their Fingertips (math counts, science rocks, language works, art smart, world aware and projections) and is designed to support and stimulate the child's natural curiosity, interests and abilities. The classroom atmosphere says "It is absolutely right to try" and there is much self- exploration, learning through experimentation and opportunity for success. The curriculum components include: play, social skills, language development, literacy, science and nature, arts and crafts, reading readiness, hands on mathematics, social and cultural studies, music and creative dramatics, cooking, movement exploration, health and nutrition, technology, and gross and fine motor skills. The anti-bias and multi-cultural curriculum promotes understanding and acceptance of all people in the world. The Early Morning program consists of quiet, relaxed small group and individual activities. These include arts and crafts, stories and manipulative toys. A very special "Welcome" is waiting for each child. The School Day often begins with circle or group time. The children assemble for dicussion and sharing, singing, rhythm band, sensory motor games and dance. They learn to be attentive to others and have the opportunity to be participants as well as an audience. Circle/group time is an especially wonderful experience for all who participate. The Morning and Afternoon programs are structured in a similar fashion and include teacher-directed and self-directed class and activity time. The children are grouped developmentally, determined by where they feel most comfortable. The groups are based on socialization, emotional maturity, age, and level of acquired skills. The many processes involved in an activity foster language, motor and cognitive development. Teachers are aware of individual differences and provide special attention and curriculum whenever necessary.